Friday, 28 September 2007

Otterspool Prom ...Land given away to Property Developers

I believe some of the Otterspool Prom public land, by the Brittannia pub and adjacent to the Garden Festival Site will be given away to the property developers at a council meeting after about 10 minutes 'debate'. This is after the council said they had no intention of handing over the prom public land to Langtree McLean,  handily just before the local elections recently. I suggest emailing if you object to this.

Thursday, 6 September 2007


Saturday October 27th 11am-3pm at Old Police Station, Lark Lane, Liverpool. The event may continue until late evening.

Have your say on what you'd like to see at the Garden Festival Site next to the River Mersey in Otterspool. In the police station there will be a space for children with games, help make a woodland collage, posters and face painting hopefully.

There will be a talk on ideas for the future of the Garden Festival Site.
Some food and drink available for donations and some local music.
Please come along and show your support for our Green Space.
Keep checking website listed below for up to date news on our campaign.

Futures Day was attended by about 200 people who sat in at workshops to 'have their say' and listen to an Earthship talk.
There was a film to watch, banners to make and lots of Garden Festival stuff and Earthship things to look at. Lovely food and drink and live music from Kevin followed by Stan the harpist finished the day. Thanks to all those who helped to create this.

Monday, 3 September 2007


The enquiry is to be held for 12 days starting October 30th 2007.
It will be held at the Adelphi hotel in the Sefton room.
We are currently collecting as many letters of objection to the plan to build 1,300 flats on the Garden Festival Site. For letter download see website listed below.