Saturday, 3 May 2008


There is a film called 'Garbage Warrior' showing at the Institute for Contemporary Arts,  London, at the end of May. It is about American outsider architect MICHAEL REYNOLDS who has spent more than 20 years creating beautiful earthships/homes in the New Mexico desert. They are created out of discarded beer cans, reclaimed wood, old tyres and clay, using new and unorthodox theories of architecture. He has a lifetime passion for sustainable living.
He is a 1 man eco-movement whose ideas will maybe help save the planet.

The film, by director Oliver Hodge, UK2007, 86mins, was shot over 3 years in New Mexico, U.S. and India. It is a portrait of a man energised by his dreams of making a better world. (Google : Michael Reynolds ICA film).
I would like to try and get it a Liverpool showing at FACT.
*****************************NEWS FLASH******************************************
FACT cinema will try and get a showing of the film to run concurrent with' tenantspin from the BOX at FACT's debate:
The end of my world
This is on wednesday August 13th from 2-3pm live on the internet (google: tenantspin)
This is a discussion with various speakers about the environment, consumerism out of control and what we can do to save the planet.