Thursday, 16 April 2009


The Southern Grasslands area of the Garden Festival site is being maintained, with permission of the property developers , as a nature reserve for skylarks. These are a protected species that have been nesting in the area for about 50 years. Years ago they were found on the old golf course up the road at Jericho Lane.

Unfortunately they disappeared from the Southern Grasslands a few years back when the trees were felled nearby.

Members of the 'Save The Festival Gardens Campaign'  have been meeting on alternate Sundays for about six months to clear brambles so that predators like crows cannot hide  and then attack the skylarks.

We have almost finished and have been told that some other birds have returned to the area nearby to nest. Fingers crossed that the skylarks are going to come back to the Grasslands any day now to build new nests.   

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